Delicious Whole Food Snacks For Your Dog

Delicious Whole Food Snacks For Your Dog

Posted by Roshan Gowlikar on

If you're like me, you're very careful about what you put in your stomach.
It seems like our society is constantly bombarded by processed and unnatural food options. And when it comes to dogs, we may feel like the only way we can feed them is to go to to pet store and buy a bag of kibble. Here are a few snack options that everyone knows are nutritious for humans but are also healthy options for our dogs:


1. Bananas

If you have a picky dog like mine, then they might not always be cool with a fresh piece of lettuce. Bananas are loaded with potassium and fiber, which will help with digestion and energy levels. Just remember that bananas are also high in sugar so always be aware of how much you feed them!


2. Blueberries

Maybe you've heard that blueberries are a superfood for humans (they are packed with antioxidants!). It's also a great superfood option for your dog. They are rich in fiber and phytochemicals that help your dog age gracefully. Next time you're making a little fruit bowl for yourself, go ahead and throw your little friend some as well.


3. Carrots

Not only are carrots very nutritious but when your dog is gnawing on them, the texture will help remove plaque and other surface level buildup on their teeth. Carrots are rich in fiber, vitamin A, and beta-carotene. They are a great low calorie option!


4. Celery

This veggie is great for your dog's immune system and energy levels. It contains vitamins A,B, and C and is low in calories. Not only that but if you have a overly hyper dog, a celery stick should keep them busy for a little while!


5. Green Beans

Personally I love green beans and my dog does too! They are an excellent source of iron, calcium, vitamin A, C, K, and niacin. Make sure that the green beans are fresh, but if they do come in a can make sure to buy the low sodium variety.

Food , Health , Top 5